Seed, Early-stage, pre-Launch, pre-Buildout
Beyond ever-trendy "disruption", We counsel Emerging-Growths towards Funding, Fulfillment & Fruition, Focusing on Alt-Energies & various "Stand Alones" - current examples: THE Coming Definitive Comprehensive esports and gaming Network - far surpassing ESPN on a $300+ Billion exploding Platform. Hydrogen-extraction via Magneto-induced system - much more cost-effective than SMR & Electrolysis (2 cent/KG), not to mention Onsite ... A couple cutting-edge Proprietary SaaS Softwares w/Service: Inventory Mgt & Supply Line Mgt - If you have to "think" about the revolutionary revenue this will create, this is not your playground...
ALL Will instantly redefine the oft-used title ~ “Disruptive”.
Chief Consultant @ The Wellsprings Fund LLC & Client-Companies, HNWIs, Private Groups, Family Offices, Pension Funds... Specialties: All aspects of Seed to Mid-Stage : Capex Needs/Development/Guidance & Compliance, including planning & development-to-market, management directives, ad copy, brochure writing & advertising focus, forums, M/A positioning & protocols, Liaison between Company Officers & shareholders, IRPR, writing PR News, et.al...
Success-based Efforts ONLY.