Gaming industry

Assisted Living/Memory Care facilities

the Nevada Cannabis pioneer, going Worldwide

34-year Master GC/Developer

Assisted Living Facilities
PROVISO: Project Founders will discuss specifics only with Transparent POF Groups:
* "rumor & hearsay" is not the currency of transactions -
GWNe // 01
esports & gaming are fast becoming a $300+ Billion industry WW (Forbes) Seasoned VIACOM Cable Syndicator colleague has the infrastructure/trademarks/matrix/connects for "gathering, participation & distribution" of esports & gaming current news & events Worldwide - in talks with savvy groups (ESPN/Disney, MGM Grand, ARIA, CCTV, Tencent, Shopkick, Altice, ITP, BrazilTV, COX, Charter, Verizon, T-Mobile, Spectrum, Infinity, AT&T, et.al.) to coordinate her disruptive platform with traditional ones, for the first gaming & esports Network - THE Definitive esports& gaming Network, mentored by Bill Rasmussen - Founder ESPN, who is convinced her network will soon gallop FAR beyond his...
...a Non-endemics' DREAM PLATFORM !
** Seeking "once & only" Launch Capital of $12MM USD.
(Followed with $20MM traditional Debt)
* THE FACT : Won't be available for long ~ Gayle flies next month to Riyadh & Qatar

The Maverick of Mining // 02
History: I've been good pals with fellow Texan (way back) Rand, who was one of the Go-To Mineral Rights/Lease Contract Attorneys in Texas (his Office practice was in DFW for decades).
All the while, Rand had a passion for...Mining.
During his Law practice, he would take junckets to MENA countries to observe onsite, and, became fluid in Mining methods; so much so that 3 MENA countries courted Rand to oversee their entire mining operations.
He declined, preferring to oversee his own operation.
Rand has now 5 deep, proven Mines @ Grass Valley, California (shut since WWII, down a dirt road from each other) and full Govt support in burgeoning Honduras, with proven Au assets and full Honduran Govt support.
Seeking an initial tranche of JV Capital @ $25MM.

Strategic Wellness Hotel & Ampitheatres//03
Noted GC/Developer/Founder Kenny built Commercial/Residentials/Industrial Developments in Coachella Valley for decades. The current will be his largest foray:
160-acre Desert Hot Springs, California Parcel, specifically featuring Wellness, Recreation & Hospitality Markets, with 11-acres therein for a 175-Key Hotel and adjacent 5,000-seat RIM Ampitheatre, w/Sponsor Offers from LIVE NATION & UNIVERSAL MUSIC. $48MM, seeking JV Equity/Mezz/Bridge partner along with a solid Debt-side Term Sheet as well. Multiple Sites in a Series !

MJ Cannabis/Hemp/CBD // 04
Local Pal here @ Vegas chummed up w/Top 3 LLP Law Firm in 2014, passed Medical Law in Nevada 2014 then Recreational Law in 2018. He had one of 4 Grow Licenses in NV, a 37-acre 3-Phase Outdoor Greenhouse @ Amargosa Valley (desert northwest of Vegas), growing specialty high-end Cannabis strains, and had a retail dispensary on The Strip - soon Revenues well over $6 Million - MONTHLY !
CURALEAF now bought out these 2 entities for $90MM - (Ninety Million US Dollars)
Due Diligence Done.
THE BIG PLAY : Greece: Founder hails from Greece: his Dad bought acreage and has Full Greek Gov't approval for 2 large replicate farms like Amargosa - to ship to EU.
Know where EU gets its Cannabis/CBD ?
"Fringe providers"
...Cost-effective? Nope.
...Logistics? Lousy.
...Quality? Low-Grade Bulk.
Also long-term Leased 99-acres @ Kings Mountain, North Carolina for Cannabis Verticals, from Catawba Indian Tribe, who have 3 reservations in BOTH Carolinas -
**Seeking $50MM to $75MM USD + Capital from JV Partner. If your Funds are Bullish on the Cannabis/Hemp/CBD arena - * Claim YOUR BANKABLE ROI in Spades !

Assisted Living/Memory Care//05
@ THE Northwest "Soup to Nuts" Assisted Living & Memory Care Provider - expanding from the Northwest into California, Arizona and beyond...
Northwest provider has 30+ year History and 15 prosperous, working Facilities (Assisted Livings & Memory Cares).
- currently built out, operating, staffing its' own 15 ALs/MCs, staffing & managing a list of Operating facilities as well, and structuring another 2 Sites in California .
The Focus :
1 - Seaside California Site: (on PCH Cliffs, 5.24 acres)
133-bed Independent Living $56MM Capital Stack: $39MM Debt, $12MM Equity/Mezz portion -
2 - Northridge, California (suburb of LA) 142-bed Assisted/Memory buildout on 4-acres near Medical Center @ $68MM
3 - Considering other Locations & Operating facilities.
- Safest arena in the entire Real Estate Vertical - with Solid Leader - Bankable ROIs ~
If you're Risk-aversive, here's Your Sweet Spot ~
Have a taut group of Clinical US Doctors
who've developed Process/Method/
Design-Patented device to replace IVF & ICSI
abysmal 8% success rates -
* with a method to keep Sperm in
Uteris-for-Embryo, procuring...
** Fertilization Rates @ 90% + (Group trials)
* Seek JV Capital partner @ $16MM USD.
(Esteemed Doctors' Group has patents-pending
on several other strategic Medical devices)

SaaS "Punchlist" for Buildouts & Beyond // 07
Our Software is the only Building-Lifecycle Platform that takes you from ground-break, through operations and all the way to demolition of the building.
All field observations, incomplete work items, punch items, and commissioning processes happening during the construction phase, becomes an invaluable asset to the Owners and Operators of the building from our Proprietary SaaS.
Our all-encompassing platform implements a structured data environment, creating a single source of the truth for operations, work order management and post turnover. Additionally, our defined space technology, combined with our AI capabilities allows this SaaS to be a mobile edge extension for post construction technologies for FF&E, CMMS/EAM.
Seeking Launch Capital @ $10MM.

Data Center, Solar-powered Onsite // 08
* near Austin/San Antonio, from a duo who built AMEX-listed Nevada Gold Casinos, Urban Seed (Vegas organic produce grower distributing to Strip Chefs), and this Hot Ticket is...a "no brainer", a GIFT...
After initial round of $6.7MM (raised), next tranche is $80MM, and then $211MM, and finally $85MM.
Fully Solar powered, Data center strategically placed near Data hubs Austin & San Antonio (1st Site of a series).
Secret hint: the Data Center @ Central Texas is the TROPHY.
Mega-Successful Founders Tom & Cynthia. whom I got to know here @ Vegas, when they launched Urban Seed Vegas, covered farm acreage a couple blocks off The Strip producing Organics for Top Chefs, and, before that, Nevada Gold Casinos, which ended up being 10 Casinos which are listed on American Stock Exchange -
Now, as you're aware : Data Storage Centers are an exploding arena, especially circa AUSTIN...
You know, Austin ?
That's where Google, Oracle, Tesla, SpaceX, Amazon & Apple are soon headquartering..
* Seeking tranches of $80MM, then $211MM, then $85MM !

THE MOMS Global Community powered by an unparalleled Eco-System to
support and champion and Founded by...
The Mom's Network !
Built 100% organically - through earned trust.
One of the most highly engaged and coveted online communities.
- over 2.9 MM MOMS strong- 2.5B annual impressions- average 40MM monthly reach- over 300MM annual video views- 160M annual engagements.
Age Demographics: over 52% is in the highly sought after 25-44.
JOM is the only Social Impact Platform in the world that allows its community and members to control their digital data in a private, encrypted, manner while earning digital currency on the information they decide to share.
Over 92% of MOMS feel isolated and alone, 85% don’t feel sufficiently supported, all the while doing the world’s toughest and most important job.Utilizing a trusted brand, rich history, and extreme insights of community needs, JOM is poised to launch a membership platform and ecosystem to support and empower MOMS, creating real social impact. After multiple surveys with our community, 96% said they would be interested in joining our membership and to connect on JOM’s private and secure platform.
Through our platform features - MOM Map, Marketplace, and Membership – our community will be able to connect and match moms, causes, and curated brands; shop exclusive products offerings; get access to elevated perks, rewards, and more.Strategic Partnership with Virtual Sonics (headed by Hollywood Sound Tech Wizard J. Roberts) & SONY (looking to acquire MOMS Network post-launch...
** A Non-Endemic Strategic Advertiser's Windfall Destination **
(Or, at least that's what Unilever, Walmart, Nabisco, Monteley, Goya, Home Depot, et.al. believe ) Partnering w/SONY & their indie Sound Wizard, and, frankly, once launched, SONY will, as they always do, pay an exorbitant multiple for JOM...
Seek JV Partner:
- $4MM 1st immediate tranche
- $26MM full launch

Scientific Hydrogen//10
Scientific’s technologies provide a cost effective method to convert super-heated steam into hydrogen and oxygen. The resulting gases can be used to manufacture more valuable chemicals and hydrogen for fuel cells used in transportation and stationary power. Scientific’s MHD Multi-Patented Reactor presents the first application of producing hydrogen and oxygen atoms from steam by making use of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Scientific’s Cyclonic Gas Separator presents the first application of cyclonic gas separation based on the molecular weight of the gas. OSI technologies can replace costly delivered gaseous or liquid hydrogen, capital inefficient small-scale reforming, and expensive electrolysis resulting in significant advantages over conventional technologies. First Entry market: large Chemical Companies, who are using arcane SMR & Electrolysis methods .
Seeking JV Capital Partner: $14MM ~ $40MM Full Launch -